Behavior Based Safety Programs only work if you track the data, not put away in a file cabinet. Learn how BBS programs can help you
NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Fifty years ago today, astronaut Ed White floated out of the Gemini IV spacecraft to become the first American to walk in space during the first mission controlled from Houston’s Manned Spacecraft Center, which was later renamed in honor of the late U.S. president and Texas native Lyndon B. Johnson. Details:
We have been offering free audits of companies ISN-PICS-NCMS accounts. We do this looking for any gaps or areas that might need improvement. After the audit we then offer a one time clean up service at a fixed cost. We have discovered that people feel they will be paying for a service they don’t need and are hesitant in signing an agreement especially if they have no gaps. So, we waive the initial cost giving them a comfort level and its been a win-win for both. Please contact us today for your company’s free audit review.
OQ Training
ISNetworld? Veriforce? EnergyWorldnet? PEC? Need crews to be working…call us…877.923.3835
Third Party Desktop Safety Auditing Services
Safetek Services, Inc. is proud to announce our newest service: Third Party Desktop Safety Auditing. With our years of Oil & Gas Industry knowledge and history we our now able to offer operators as well as contractors this new service. We now have the staff and administrative support to serve the client.
OQ Testing
We can get your ISNetworld account up to snuff…just call and we help become green. 877.923.3835